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Şükriye Akdeniz

Nov 18, 2021

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made an important call regarding the cryptocurrency industry while talking about his country's achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and digitalization

While the use and power of Bitcoin and its derivatives have increased in 2021, assets that create an industry and field on their own are growing with their investors behind them. Countries may not be able to resist this rise shortly. This is why the Prime Minister of India thinks that steps should be taken beforehand.
A meeting organized by the Strategic Policy Institute in Sydney, Australia, was marked by the call of the Indian Prime Minister. High-level officials from many countries attended the meeting. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made remarkable statements about the crypto market and Bitcoin, calling everyone to duty for this trend.
The most striking part of Modi's speech was his views on Bitcoin and the crypto money industry. Modi advised countries around the world to act together while calling for unity so that the crypto industry does not fall into the wrong hands.
“I think all democratic nations should unite on crypto. We must act together so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. Here, we need to think about our youth, too. It would be right for states to act together in this area.”

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