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Bitcoin surpassed Tesla and became the 8th most valuable asset in the world

Şükriye Akdeniz

Nov 8, 2021

It is discussed that if Bitcoin continues rapidly, it can also overtake Apple and Microsoft soon

Bitcoin managed to surpass Tesla by increasing its market value. The cryptocurrency market has been on the rise lately. While Ethereum is breaking records every day, Bitcoin is constantly on the rise.
Bitcoin increased its volume to $ 1 trillion 255 billion and managed to surpass Tesla.
With this critical development, Bitcoin dominates 43 percent of the total crypto money market in terms of capital value, as well as surpassing Tesla, the global electric vehicle manufacturer of which Elon Musk is the CEO, with an average value of 1.247 trillion dollars today, and the 8th most valuable in the world. rose into existence. The capital value of Tesla, which fell to 9th place, seems to be 1.227 trillion dollars. Facebook is in 10th place with a capital value of 949 million dollars.
The drop in Tesla's share price is attributed to Elon Musk's latest tweet. “Should I sell 10 percent of my Tesla shares?” Tesla CEO polled on Twitter on Saturday. asked. This survey by Musk is thought to have caused a drop in Tesla's share price. Meanwhile, 58 percent of the respondents answered yes.

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